Signs You Need a Breast Reduction or Mamoplasty!

Are your overly large breasts causing you health and emotional issues?

Do you have physical discomfort such as back, neck and shoulder pain.

Do you have skin irritation beneath the breast crease.

Is the excess weight of your overly large breast restricting you from leading an active athletic lifestyle? Does mere walking cause you pain?

Are you extremely self-conscious about having large pendulous breasts and wish your breasts were more in proportion to your body.

Then, perhaps a mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery) is right for you.

Breast Reduction Procedure!

The breast reduction procedure and the technique used to reduce the size of your breast varies and may include the following: surgery through incision and liposuction to remove the excess fat in your breasts

Usually your breast reduction surgeon will make an incision around the areola and down each breast. Your breast reduction surgeon will then remove the excess breast tissue, fat and skin to reduce the size of each breast.

Finally, your breast reduction surgeon will the breast and reposition the nipple and areola.
The nipple and areola usually remain attached to the breast. However, they may be removed and relocated, (the nipple and areola) at a higher position as a skin graft if your breasts are very large.

Your surgeon will try to achieve symmetry between your breasts, but some variation in breast size and shape might occur. The size of the areola also might be reduced.

Breast Reduction With Free Nipple Graft.

In some cases when the breasts are overly large to begin with, the results of free nipple graft breast reduction may be required. A free nipple graft is clearly indicated for a rare condition characterized by excessive breast growth (gigantomastia). It may occur spontaneously, during puberty or pregnancy, or while taking certain medications.

A free nipple graft may also be indicated for patients with macromastia which is a condition of abnormal enlargement of the breast tissue in excess of the normal proportion. The condition may be caused by glandular hypertrophy, excessive fatty tissue or combination of both.

A free nipple graft technique is also advantageous in the patient with a primarily fatty breast in whom pedicle techniques frequently do not maintain good long-term contour. This technique can also result in improved nipple projection in patients who have severely inverted nipples.

The disadvantages of a free nipple graft include the loss of ability to breast-feed, loss of nipple sensation, and possible hypopigmentation in the nipple-areola.

In the patient with large breasts who is undergoing lumpectomy for a centrally located breast cancer, free nipple graft facilitates aggressive lumpectomy while preserving breast contour.

Your Breast Reduction Recovery

Immediately after your breast reduction surgery, your breasts will be covered with a gauze dressing or bandages. A drain tube might be placed under each arm to drain any excess blood or fluid.

Your will more than like be given medication for pain and antibiotics, to decrease your risk of infection.

For the first days or week after surgery, your breasts will probably feel tender and sensitive and will be swollen and bruised and will probably be given an elastic compression bra or garment to protect the breasts.

For several weeks, you’ll need to limit physical activity while your breasts heal.

Scarring usually fades over time. You will need a follow-up visit with your surgeon to remove stitches and check your recovery.

Breast Reduction and Pregnancy

Generally, women are advised to have breast reduction pregnancy only after they have stopped having children. The main reason for this advisement is that more than 50% of women who choose to have a breast reduction prior to pregnancy are not able to breast feed because the ducts have been surgically interrupted.

However, there are physical and emotional issues that may warrant a breast reduction sooner than later. For those who have truly huge breasts that limit your normal physical activities or the ability to exercise, then a breast reduction procedure is recommended.

Will I Have Scars After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Scars after a breast reduction is a normal side effect of breast reduction surgery. These scars caused by the incisions during surgery will fade over time but will never completely disappear.

How Much Is Breast Reduction In Philippines?

The breast reduction cost has always been an obstacle for many individuals. But despite offering the #1 rated breast reduction surgery in the Philippines, The Breast Surgery Center also has the best breast reduction cost.

At The Breast Surgery Center, we guaranty your breast reduction surgery to be the safest, best and most affordable breast reduction cost in the Philippines.

For over 30+ years, we have been providing the best in breast reduction surgery at the best breast reduction price Philippines.

Get The Best Breast Reduction Cost In The Philippines

At the Breast Surgery Center, we only provide custom tailored cost affordable Breast reduction Philippines price. Please come and view hundreds of before and after(s).

We’ve done breast reduction surgery more times than anyone, with thousands of extremely happy clients worldwide at the breast reduction Philippines price. Come in and see our breast reduction before and after(s).

How much is breast reduction in Philippines?

The current price of breast reduction in Philippines is P160,000 under general anesthesia. For more complicated breast reduction cases the current price is P200,000 also under general anesthesia.

At the Breast Surgery Center, we only provide custom tailored cost affordable breast reduction at the best breast reduction Philippines price. Please come and view hundreds of breast reduction before and after.

Affordable Breast Reduction Near Me?

Are you looking to get the best breast reduction near me? The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the breast reduction near me.

For over 30+years we have been providing the best breast reduction Philippines for thousands of global clients worldwide.

No matter where, The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the best breast reduction near me at the best breast reduction Philippines price.

Breast Reduction Before And After Philippines: Testimonials That Speak For Themselves!

Over the years, we’ve had thousands of positive breast reduction reviews or breast reduction testimonials along before and after pictures.

But reviews or testimonials can’t compare to actual breast reduction before and after pictures from actual breast reduction surgeries.

At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines, we have hundreds and hundreds of breast reduction before and after pictures that we can proudly share with you at the best breast reduction cost Philippines.

Want More Proof? See More Breast reduction Before And After Pictures!

Many breast reduction surgeons or breast reduction facilities can show you written testimonials (we have those too) and only a few the breast reduction before and after pictures.

And anyone can say they do more breast reduction surgeries or do the best breast reduction Philippines or even claim that their breast reduction surgeries are the most affordable breast reduction cost and breast reduction Philippines price.

But, can anyone show positive proof that they can give you the best breast reduction Philippines at the most cost affordable breast reduction cost and the best breast reduction Philippines results.

Do You Want The Best Breast reduction Philippines?

Imagine if you can take away all these fears of having breast reduction surgery to get the best breast reduction possible for those perfect natural looking breasts just for you at the best breast reduction cost Philippines.

Your best breast reduction Philippines price done right the first time 100% patient satisfaction guaranteed. No repeats, no redos, you only get one chance.

At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines let our Board Certified breast reduction surgeons create those perfect natural breasts, we’ve done it time and time again – thousands of times, at the best breast reduction cost Philippines.

Who Is The Best Doctor Or Surgeon For Breast Reduction In The Philippines?

Deciding on having Breast reduction is one thing but deciding on the right breast reduction surgeon or doctor for the best results could be a costly gamble at the best breast reduction Philippines price.

Get the best breast reduction surgeon or doctor at The Breast Surgery Center. Our U.S. and internationally trained breast reduction surgeons are among the best educated, trained and highly skilled medical practitioners in Asia making them among the most capable physicians in the world.