Do You Need A Breast Explant?

Feeling unhappy with your breast implants?

Do you feel that they are the wrong shape or size or type. Are you having second thoughts and wish you had chosen something much larger or even smaller?

Do you think they too high or too low and are not where they are suppose to be.
They don’t look quite right and they are not where they are supposed to be.

Maybe they don’t feel as natural as you thought they would.

At The Breast Surgery Center, we have been providing the best in breast implant removal (breast explant) surgery at a cost everyone can afford for over 30+ years.

What is Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Breast implant surgery to remove implants or breast explant is the surgical breast procedure to remove breast implants (breast explant) from previous breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery patients.

Although breast implants don’t actually expire, they aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime. The average saline or silicone implants may last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. But the breast shape you once had may no longer be there from those many years.

Some however, are removed sooner due to complications or cosmetic concerns. Up to 20 percent of people have their implants removed or replaced within 8 to 10 years.

Is It Time To Yours Breast Implants Removed (Breast Explant) Or Replaced?

Over time, and certainly these thoughts will start to permeate but there are complications that would necessitate for your breast implants to be removed. These include:

Hardening: Over time capsular contracture or hardening of the scar tissue surrounding implants may occur. This can cause tightness, pain, tenderness, and abnormal visual cosmetic changes to the breast.

Saline rupture (leakage and deflation): If a saline implant ruptures, tears or leaks in the implant shell, the breast implant will start to deflate like a balloon and will look dramatically different in size and shape than the other breast. This leak can happen slowly over a few days or quite rapidly.

Silicone rupture: Silicone implants do also rupture. Since silicone gel is much thicker than saline, the gel will often stay inside the breast implant or move to surrounding scar tissue. This is why ruptured silicone implants are often not quite readily noticed.

When silicon implants rupture you will notice the following symptoms: decreased breast size, hard knots, an uneven appearance of the breasts, pain or tenderness, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning or changes in sensation.

Rippling and palpability: Rippling occurs when the implant develops wrinkles or ripples. Palpability refers to the ability to feel these ripples when you touch your breast. In some cases, these changes can also be seen through the skin.

If you see or feel wrinkling in your implant, you may want to consider replacing or removing it.

Change in breast implant position: Breast implants don’t prevent your breasts from sagging as you age. The culprit here is gravity taking its toll over time. Coupled that with large changes in weight gain or los can stretch the surrounding skin and cause your breasts to sag.

You may also notice that one breast hangs lower than the other, or that your nipples point in different directions than before.
If you’re bothered by these changes, getting a breast lift or implant replacement may help return your breasts to their previous appearance.

Breast Implant Removal (Breast Explant)

Is it time to consider having your breast implants completely removed?

Any qualified plastic surgeon can remove your breast implants (breast explant) and doesn’t have to be the same surgeon that did the prior surgery

Sometimes, breast implant removal alone can lead to cosmetic abnormalities and you may consider other options which you should discuss with your surgeon. These abnormalities includes: deflation, sagging, dimpling and uneven asymmetry of your breasts.

Because of this, your doctor may recommend replacing your implants with implants of a different size or shape.

Make Sure You Know Your Options If You Decide To Only Remove Your Breast Implants.

During an initial consultation, your surgeon will evaluate the state of your current breast implants and discuss your surgical options.

These options include: breast implant removal alone, breast implant removal and breast lift, breast implant removal of hardened or lumpy tissue, breast implant replacement with or without breast lift

Breast Implant Removal With Breast Replacement

If you consider having your breast implants removed you may want to consider having your breast implants replaced. Perhaps its time to consider having your breast implants completely removed or removed and replaced.

Having your breast implants removed alone may cause some of the issues described earlier like uneven breasts, sagging and dimpling. Remember your breast tissue and areas may look like deflated balloon as the breast implants that were removed are no longer there for the reduced breast mass.

Breast Implant Removal With Breast Lift

Many women who choose to only have their breast implants remove regret the result as their breast tissue has laxity and their breasts now naturally sag after their implants are removed. This is due to the inability of the breast tissue to shrink back to the original size after being expanded and stretched by the implants.

However, most women decide that they will require some surgical correction of the breasts after implant removal to ensure an aesthetically pleasing result.

Breast appearance can vary from woman to woman. But generally if breast implants are removed without correction you may experience one or more of the following: lower breast sagging (ptosis), a deflated breast appearance, drooping nipples that point downward and the accumulation of loose breast tissue.

Realistic Breast Implants: Silicone Or Gummy Bear Implants

If you decide to remove and replace your breast implants with realistic breast implants to increase the size, shape or fullness of the breast, there are several options of breast implants to consider: silicone, saline, or alternative composite breast implants placed under the chest muscles or breast tissue.

The first option, which is very mushy and moveable and actually feel like breast tissue is the regular standard gel. The other option is what is called a gummy bear implant which actually feel like gummy bears hence the name.

The standard gel implants are still soft and compressible but they are firmer than gel, so they feel a bit different – but they do look great. Because cohesive gel implants hold their shape, they can be made into “anatomic” implants, meaning that they have a teardrop shape rather than being a round disk.

The gel shaped implants can give you a nice look, but they can also flip over time, and they don’t shift like natural tissue. The end result is that they look quite natural when you are standing up still, but they won’t fit the bill during movement or by feel.

Breast Implant Removal Recovery

Depending on the specifics of your procedure, you may be able to return home the day of your surgery. Recovery time differs for everyone.

Many people are able to resume working in about five days, but it’ll be about six weeks until you can resume strenuous activities like exercising and lifting.

Following all postoperative instructions can help improve your healing time and prevent infection.

What Is The Breast Implant Removal Cost

The breast implant removal procedure cost has always been an obstacle for many individuals. But despite offering the #1 rated breast implant surgery in the Philippines, The Breast Surgery Center also has the best breast implant removal cost.

The cost of implant replacement is higher than that of implant removal. You’ll need to pay for the initial removal, replacement implants, and any related procedures.

At The Breast Surgery Center, we guaranty your breast augmentation surgery to be the safest, best and most affordable breast implant removal cost in the Philippines.

For over 30+ years, we have been providing the best in breast implant removal surgery at the best breast implant removal price Philippines.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

The breast implants procedure cost has always been an obstacle for many individuals. But despite offering the #1 rated breast implants surgery in the Philippines, The Breast Surgery Center also has the best breast implants cost.

At The Breast Surgery Center, we guaranty your breast implants surgery to be the safest, best and most affordable breast implants cost surgery in the Philippines.

For over 30+ years, we have been providing the best in breast implants surgery at the best breast implants price Philippines.

What is a Gummy Breast Implants Price!

A breast implant contains an outer silicone shell and a filler material and most breast implants contain either silicone gel or saline solution.

Gummy bear breast implants have both: a silicone shell and a silicone gel filling. Their advantage, compared with other silicone implants, is that gummy bear implants retain their shape but also leave breasts naturally soft to the touch.

Unlike traditional silicone-based breast implants, gummy bear implants retain their shape even if their shells are broken. This is because the gel is thicker.

How much do breast implants cost?

How much is a gummy breast implants price? At the Breast Surgery Center Philippines, gummy breast implants cost approximately P158,000.

Get The Best Breast Implant Removal Cost In The Philippines

Lately, you’ve been contemplating breasts implant removal surgery with the possibility of replacing the breast implant or replacing the implant with a breast lift.

You’re not interested in drastic changes, just breast implant removal that suits you with the given options.

At the Breast Surgery Center, we only provide custom tailored breast implant removal cost at the best breast implant removal procedure cost. Please come and view hundreds of breast implant removal before and after.

Come in for a free breast implant removal consultation today and view hundreds of breast implant removal before and after at The Breast Surgery Center Philippines.

Affordable Breast Implant Near Me?

Are you looking to get the best breast implant near me? The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the breast implant removal near me.

For over 30+years we have been providing the best breast implant removal Philippines for thousands of global clients worldwide.

No matter where, The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the best breast implant removal near me at the best breast implant removal Philippines price.

Breast Implant Removal Before And After Philippines: Testimonials That Speak For Themselves!

Over the years, we’ve had thousands of positive breast implant removal reviews or breast implant removal testimonials along before and after pictures.

But reviews or testimonials can’t compare to actual breast implant removal before and after pictures from actual breast implant removal surgeries.

At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines, we have hundreds and hundreds of breast implant removal before and after pictures that we can proudly share with you at the best breast implant removal cost Philippines.

Want More Proof? See More Breast Implant Removal Before And After Pictures!

Many breast implant removal surgeons or breast implant removal facilities can show you written testimonials (we have those too) and only a few the breast implant removal before and after pictures.

And anyone can say they do more breast implant removal surgeries or do the best breast implant removal Philippines or even claim that their breast implant removal surgeries are the most affordable breast implant removal cost and breast implant removal Philippines price.

But, can anyone show positive proof that they can give you the best breast implant removal Philippines at the most cost affordable breast implant removal cost and the best breast implant removal Philippines results.

Come in for a Free consultation and view more breast implant removal before and after pictures or breast implant removal before and after at a breast implant removal Philippines price.

Do You Want The Best Breast Implant Removal Philippines?

Imagine if you can take away all these fears of having breast implant removal surgery to get the best breast implant removal possible for those perfect natural looking breasts just for you at the best breast implant removal cost Philippines.

Your best breast implant removal Philippines price done right the first time 100% patient satisfaction guaranteed. No repeats, no redos, you only get one chance.

At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines let our Board Certified breast implant removal surgeons create those perfect natural breasts, we’ve done it time and time again – thousands of times, at the best breast implant removal cost Philippines.

Who Is The Best Breast Implant Removal Doctor In The Philippines?

Deciding on having breast implant removal is one thing but deciding on the right breast implant removal surgeon or doctor for the best results could be a costly gamble at the best breast implant removal Philippines price.

Get the best breast implant removal surgeon or doctor at The Breast Surgery Center. Our U.S. and internationally trained breast implant removal surgeons are among the best educated, trained and highly skilled medical practitioners in Asia making them among the most capable physicians in the world.