Breast Implant Removal and Replacement
Why Have Your Breast Implants Removed And Replaced?
A common misconception regarding breast implants is that they must be replaced every 10 years. While it’s true that any foreign material in the body will not last forever, there is no reason to replace breast implants as long as you remain happy with the cosmetic results and do not experience any issues.
It is, however, important to recognize why you may need to replace your implants and what you can expect of the replacement process. Here are the common reasons for breast implant removal and replacement
- Rupture: The most common reason for implants needing to be changed is implant rupture. There are numerous studies that peg the chance for rupture at around 1% per year. What that equates to is that in 20 years, there is a 20% chance of rupture and/or the need to change your implant.
- Wrinkling: Implant wrinkling is another reason to consider implant replacements. Wrinkling can occur as textured implants settle or drop over time.
- Symmetry Issues: As years pass, implants may take on a lopsided appearance and you may begin to notice a disruption of symmetry, which might prompt you to seek a correction.
- Capsular Contracture: Capsular contracture is the most common reason for re-operation on augmentation patients, and may or may not necessitate implant replacement. It is characterized as an abnormal response of the immune system to a foreign material in the body. This occurs when the collagen-fiber capsules tighten and squeeze the breast implants. This condition can be very painful and it is a medical complication that may distort the look and feel of the breast implant and the breast. Capsular contracture can occur at any time after the original augmentation. Some occur very early (months) after the original augmentation, while others may not manifest until many years later.
- Patient Dissatisfaction: Another potential reason for the need or desire for breast implant replacement is that the patient may no longer like the cosmetic appearance of the implants. This could be due to reasons including weight loss, pregnancy, or other physical issues with implants that may be too large. This is one of the main reasons why patients should take as much time as needed when deciding on implant size prior to their surgery.
Breast Implant Removal With Breast Implant Replacement
If you consider having your breast implants removed you may want to consider having your breast implants replaced. Perhaps its time to consider having your breast implants completely removed or removed and replaced.
Having your breast implants removed alone may cause some of the issues described earlier like uneven breasts, sagging and dimpling. Remember your breast tissue and areas may look like deflated balloon as the breast implants that were removed are no longer there for the reduced breast mass.
How Is Breast Implant Replacement Surgery Performed?
The extent and duration of your breast implant exchange depends on a myriad of factors. One technique involves a simple exchange of one or both of your implants with a possible change in the type of implant, i.e., saline or gel, textured or smooth.
There may be a need for an adjustment or even a removal of the capsule already formed from your previous surgery. Implants may also shift from their current position above or below your pectoralis muscle.
Breast Implant Removal And Replacement Recovery
Depending on the specifics of your procedure, you may be able to return home the day of your surgery. Recovery time differs for everyone.
Many people are able to resume working in about five days, but it’ll be about six weeks until you can resume strenuous activities like exercising and lifting.
Following all postoperative instructions can help improve your healing time and prevent infection.