Breast Implant Surgery: 100s Breast Implant Before And After!

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    Trust Us. We’ve Done Breast Augmentation Surgery More Times Than Anyone At a Cost You Can Afford! Providing the Best in Breast Augmentation Surgery for over Thirty Years.

    Breast Implant Surgery Testimonials That Speak For Themselves

    Our Before And After(s)

    Your Breast Implant Surgery Done Right The First Time

    Before And After(s)

    The Most Cost Affordable #1 Rated Breast Augmentation – Your Results Priceless

    The Breast Surgery Center Philippines Best cost breast lift before and after in Manila Philippines #21
    Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #20
    Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #19
    Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #15
    Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #14
    "Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #13
    The Breast Surgery Center Philippines Best cost breast lift before and after in Manila Philippines #36
    The Breast Surgery Center Philippines Best cost breast lift before and after in Manila Philippines #31
    "Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #3
    Best cost breast augmentation before and after in Manila Philippines #15

    The #1 Rated Breast Implant Surgery To
    Thousands Of Clients Worldwide!
    At A Cost Everyone Can Afford!

    Breast Augmentation, Breast Enlargement, Breast Enhancement, Boob Job, Breast Implant Surgery

    Do You Need Breast Implants?

    Nearly Half of Young Women Have Breasts That Never Developed. You Are Not Alone!

    Breast implant surgery or breast implants, or augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breast.

    At the Breast Surgery Center Philippines, we’ve done breast implant surgery more times than anyone, with thousands of extremely happy clients worldwide at a cost everyone can afford. Come in and see our breast implant surgery before and after.

    Realistic Breast Implants: Silicone Or Gummy Bear Implants

    To increase the size, shape or fullness of the breast, the cosmetic surgeon places silicone, saline, or alternative composite breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue.

    Silicone implants have been around for a very long time and have gone to multiple upgrades and there are a few variations to work with. The first option is the regular standard gel, which is very mushy and moveable, and feels just like breast tissue. The other option is the cohesive gel, which is more like a gummy bear hence the term gummy bear implants.

    The standard gel implants are still soft and compressible but they are firmer than gel, so they feel a bit different – but they do look great. Because cohesive gel implants hold their shape, they can be made into “anatomic” implants, meaning that they have a teardrop shape rather than being a round disk.

    The gel shaped implants can give you a nice look, but they can also flip over time, and they don’t shift like natural tissue. The end result is that they look quite natural when you are standing up still, but they won’t fit the bill during movement or by feel.

    Getting That Natural Breast Implants Look.

    In the best of both worlds, both will look natural but there is a difference between the two in how they look and feel. Obviously, what looks natural and what feels natural are two different things and obviously you want both.

    Most patients undergoing breast implant surgery choose for a natural feel the standard silicone gel. The best choice for a natural look is also standard silicone gel. For patients with a good amount of their own breast tissue, they can sometimes pull off the natural looking breast implants with a saline augmentation, but these are more prone to rippling, which is a total giveaway.

    Choosing The Right Size For Your Breast Implant Surgery!

    There is a size for everything – shoes, blouse, bras jeans, hats and yes even breast size. Some of us, get away with a little off-size just to get that personal one of a kind. While you can probably sneak your way into something a little off-size if you really want to, things will always look a little bit wrong if the fit doesn’t match.

    The biggest mistake people make with breast implants is being off-size, which usually means going too big. For mismatched breast implants, they can look a lot wrong. If your breast implants are a little too off, you won’t get the natural look you want.

    The second mistake is failing to properly size the implant to fit into the implant pocket to sit just right. If the implant is off size and the pocket isn’t well defined what you will get is an obvious boob job instead of a natural looking one.

    Anyone can put an implant in the breast, but it takes an experienced surgeon with a true understanding of the breast implants procedure to know how to hit a home run.

    Bigger Breast Implants Is Not Always Better!

    Many breast implant surgeons cede to patients wanting larger implants instead of getting one that is smaller but will get better results. The problem with an oversized implant is that, like anything surgically implanted, breast implants need somewhere to go. Oversized breast implants, one where the width of the breast implant is too big for the breast, will either spill into middle, creating a uni-boob effect, or pour into the armpit area.

    When the breast implant width is right but the patient demands a larger volume than the breast pocket can handle, the breast implant will look more projecting, or taller. This is the torpedo effect and not the natural look that is looks best when done correctly. When it comes to natural looking breast implants, your size is your size, and the right surgeon will know how to determine that within a small range of options.

    The Perfect Breast Implant Placement Is The Key!

    The second most important consideration when contemplating breast implants is the surgeon failing to create the right implant pocket, the space that the implant will sit in and a perfect breast implant placement. Breast implants are designed to sit on their flat surface and spread out just the right way.

    Bunching or crimping will prevent a smooth shape, which can happen if the pocket is too small. On the other hand, a big pocket will allow the implant to float around, which usually means drifting up to the collarbones, and riding too high for its own good.

    The perfect implant pocket is the an exact science learned over many years of providing breast implants and is clearly based on the breast implant placement surgeon. Some surgeons believe that the only way to get a natural look is to place the implant below the muscle. This provides “upper pole” coverage to the implant and a draped look to the breast.

    For women who have a very small amount of their own breast tissue, this can be helpful in creating a more natural slope, but there are extreme consequences of double bubble deformity.

    The double bubble occurs when the breast hangs lower but the implant stays up under the muscle and there is a step-off in between. This can be a particular problem for very active patients who do a lot of upper body exercise.

    Natural looking breast implants involve understanding how the patient’s tissues will change over time. In most instances, allowing the implant and the breast to migrate together is the best bet, and this means keeping them in the same space as a unit.

    Natural Looking Breasts Are A Luxury!

    One of the main goals of a breast implant patients is to feel fuller, more balanced and yet have beautiful natural looking breasts with realistic breast implants after breast implant surgery. Regardless of the increased size, shape and feel most everyone will agree that having natural looking breasts is the goal.

    The natural realistic breast implants look is key and we at the Breast Surgery Center Philippines have always believed that cosmetic surgery should be as subtle as a great make-up which should go unnoticed. To get this effect involves experience, patience, and a true aesthetic eye. It’s not that mystifying, but it’s more complicated than it seems.

    Come see us at The Breast Surgery Center Philippines and will give you the perfect natural looking breast implants.

    Major Risk of Breast Implants

    Some breast implants start out perfect and then take a turn for the worst. Any breast implant in the body will form a capsule, or a scar that walls it off. This is not a problem in and of itself, but some capsules can tighten and eventually deform, leading to huge changes in shape, placement, and overall drape.

    This explains how a perfectly good augmentation can turn into one implant dragging down and the other high enough to rest your chin on it.

    While plastic surgeons today still have not completely conquered the capsular contracture issue, we have gotten better at limiting this awful complication. At your breast implant consultation, you should ask about the risks of breast implant surgery – this is the time to ask your surgeon about their own complication rates and what they do to prevent it.

    How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

    The breast implants procedure cost has always been an obstacle for many individuals. But despite offering the #1 rated breast implants surgery in the Philippines, The Breast Surgery Center also has the best breast implants cost.

    At The Breast Surgery Center, we guaranty your breast implants surgery to be the safest, best and most affordable breast implants cost surgery in the Philippines.

    For over 30+ years, we have been providing the best in breast implants surgery at the best breast implants price Philippines.

    What is a Gummy Breast Implants Price!

    A breast implant contains an outer silicone shell and a filler material and most breast implants contain either silicone gel or saline solution.

    Gummy bear breast implants have both: a silicone shell and a silicone gel filling. Their advantage, compared with other silicone implants, is that gummy bear implants retain their shape but also leave breasts naturally soft to the touch.

    Unlike traditional silicone-based breast implants, gummy bear implants retain their shape even if their shells are broken. This is because the gel is thicker.

    How much is a Gummy Breast Implants Price? At the Breast Surgery Center Philippines, gummy breast implants cost approximately P158,000.

    Get The Best Breast Implants Procedure Cost In The Philippines

    Lately, you’ve been contemplating breasts augmentation surgery. Not major changes mind you, but maybe just a small increase of a cup size or two to enlarge your breasts.

    You’re not interested in drastic changes, just breast implants that suits you.

    Frankly, you want a boob job to match your already perfect body. You want to look the way your suppose to look.

    At the Breast Surgery Center, we only provide custom tailored cost affordable breast implants at the best breast implants procedure cost. Please come and view hundreds of breast implants before and after.

    Affordable Breast Implants Near Me?

    Are you looking to get the best breast implants near me? The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the breast implants near me.

    For over 30+years we have been providing the best breast implants Philippines for thousands of global clients worldwide.

    No matter where, The Breast Surgery Center Philippines is the best breast implants near me at the best breast implants Philippines price.

    Breast Implants Before And After Philippines: Testimonials That Speak For Themselves!

    Over the years, we’ve had thousands of positive breast implants reviews or breast implants testimonials along before and after pictures.

    But reviews or testimonials can’t compare to actual breast implants before and after pictures from actual breast implants surgeries.

    At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines, we have hundreds and hundreds of breast implants before and after pictures that we can proudly share with you at the best breast implants cost Philippines.

    Want More Proof? See More Breast implants Before And After Pictures!

    Many breasts implant surgeons or breast implants facilities can show you written testimonials (we have those too) and only a few the breast implants before and after pictures.

    And anyone can say they do more breast implants surgeries or do the best breast implants Philippines or even claim that their breast implants surgeries are the most affordable breast implants cost and breast implants Philippines price.

    But, can anyone show positive proof that they can give you the best breast implants Philippines at the most cost affordable breast implants cost and the best breast implants Philippines results.

    Do You Want The Best Breast Implants Philippines?

    Imagine if you can take away all these fears of having breast implants surgery to get the best breast implants possible for those perfect natural looking breasts just for you at the best breast implants cost Philippines.

    Your best breast implants Philippines price done right the first time 100% patient satisfaction guaranteed. No repeats, no redos, you only get one chance.

    At The Breast Surgery Center Philippines let our Board Certified breast implants surgeons create those perfect natural breasts, we’ve done it time and time again – thousands of times, at the best breast implants cost Philippines.

    Who Is The Best Doctor For Breast implants In The Philippines?

    Deciding on having Breast implants is one thing but deciding on the right breast implants surgeon for the best results could be a costly gamble at the best breast implants Philippines price.

    It’s your body—but trust your breast implant Doctor. One of the biggest mistakes is having the patient choose their own implant size, rather than be guided by a professional breast implant specialist. Just like most women are wearing the wrong size bra, most women would choose the wrong size implant.

    Your breast implant consultation should be a form fitting exact size and placement, where the surgeon assesses your breast width, tissue quality, elasticity, and amount of breast tissue, to figure out what size and shape would work best.

    Your end result should be an understanding as to why you have a specific size, and what that size is. Depending on your height and frame, your natural looking breast implants may have a very different size than the one you originally thought.

    Get the best breast implants surgeon at The Breast Surgery Center Philippines. Our U.S. and internationally trained breast implants surgeons are among the best educated, trained and highly skilled medical practitioners in Asia making them among the most capable physicians in the world.

    Get The Most Cost Affordable #1 Rated Breast Implant Surgery In The Philippines!

    The Breast Augmentation Surgery Center Philippines

    57 Paseo De Roxas Suite 111 Makati City 1226 Metro Manila Philippines


    02 88190210


    Globe 0917-565-5812
    Smart 0998 558-0210

    Business Hours

    Monday – Saturday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
    Sundays and Holidays: By Appointment Only

    Contact Us 24/7

    Getting Here

    Breast Surgery Center is a white two-story building next to the One School between Makati Avenue and just prior to Bundia Ave across an empty parking lot. You may call us at 819-0210 or 0908 890 9210 for further directions if required.